Jun 20, 2018 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
Long since banished from most playgrounds, a teeter-totter is still familiar to many of us. Two or more children sit on opposite ends of a longboard attached to a triangular fulcrum. When the board is centered, and the children’s weights are evenly balanced between...
May 5, 2018 | Child & Teen Counseling, Couples & Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
In our current society, many young people (and lots of us old folks;) complete more and more communication via text messaging. Although this can seem efficient and time-saving, there are a few key ideas to keep in mind when managing relationships (friends, romantic...
Aug 30, 2017 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling
Once the new school supplies have been purchased, the new teachers have been identified and the new classrooms have been located; let’s remember that our kids are still navigating some tough stuff in their everyday lives and in the halls of their school buildings....
Aug 6, 2017 | Child & Teen Counseling, Couples & Marriage Counseling, Individual Counseling
Have you ever asked yourself if you are running towards something or running away from something? It’s a simple question, but possibly a profound answer. All too often, we spend our energies running out of fear. We run aimlessly away from the thing that we believe...
May 29, 2017 | Child & Teen Counseling, Couples & Marriage Counseling, Individual Counseling
There are so many things on my mind these days, and I find that they range from relationships to self-care, my future to exercise, self talk… and nearly everything in between. Honestly, if I am not mindful they can begin to wear on me and load me down. How about you?...