Dec 17, 2020 | Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
Request Appointment At Emery Counseling we know that the holidays can be a difficult time. Here is a collection of blog posts written by our therapists to help you navigate this time. Gary Emery shares his thoughts on this challenging time in Seasons of...
Dec 15, 2020 | Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
You might be thinking how can one possibly consider this time in 2020 a time for gratitude and reflection. Well, allow me to remind you of just a few positive aspects of this unprecedented time in our lifetime: 1. If you are reading this, you have survived thus far....
Nov 6, 2020 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
In my family, 2020 started with glad busyness, full of life’s hopeful plans amid increasingly pressurized job environments. When coronavirus came to Colorado, plans were postponed and much of what we had counted on for security and stability moved beyond our reach. ...
Oct 23, 2020 | Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
When you feel anxiety or guilt identify the situation and what is truly in your control and what is in others control. (Sometimes writing it down can help bring clarity) Process what is in your circle of control and look at what you have already done to benefit you or...
Oct 16, 2020 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
As a therapist I have been trained in understanding that all people have emotional needs. I have learned that our emotions are designed to alert us to specific needs. Often we have life experiences that wound our understanding of these needs. In my previous blog I...
Oct 9, 2020 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
…and am I having one during a worldwide pandemic? An existential crisis can arise any time we question whether our lives have meaning, purpose or value, and we are negatively impacted by our contemplation. Anyone can experience an existential crisis…at any age. ...