Meet Our Team

Northern Colorado’s Most Trusted Therapists and Coaches

At Emery Counseling we have a diverse team who are committed to creating change bigger than ourselves.

As a group, we are committed to accepting the individuals who come through our doors, but we are also committed to addressing difficult situations and providing accountability to those in need.

Kathy Rushing
Kathy Rushing

Education:  B.S., Psychology (Texas A&M);

M.S., Counseling Psychology (University of North Texas)

Schedule a Coaching Appointment with Kathy

Email Kathy

Kara Lyons

(Early Childhood Specialist)

B.A.(Colorado State University); M.A.E. (University of Northern Colorado)

Schedule an Appointment with Kara

Email Kara

Jim Klock
Jim Klock

B.S in Psychology, 1975, Evangel University

M.A in Counseling, 1977, University of Denver

M.S.W in Clinical Social Work, 1981, University of Kansas

Schedule an Appointment with Jim

Email Jim

Jeremy Mason
Jeremy Mason

Naropa University focusing on Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling


Schedule an Appointment with Jeremy

Email Jeremy

Take the First Step

First time clients are welcomed in for a free 30 minute consultation with any of our counselors. This initial session will act as a meet and greet to ensure that you and the counselor are the right fit.

What Our Clients Say

Emery Counseling is fantastic! Josh has truly been a lifesaver to myself and my spouse. This was our second attempt at counseling and I will say that without a doubt, it has been worth all the time and money invested. […] It is more than just counseling sessions, but rather an environment of understanding, guidance, kindness, and even…accountability.


Gary is remarkably good at what he does. I’ve been seeing Gary for good mental health now for over 20 years, most of the time with my lovely bride of 23 years. He’s helped us walk through all kinds of issues and troubles in our lives… and some good times too. What an invaluable asset he’s been.


I’ve been working with Bree for a number of years now and she has been such a blessing in my life. I was really hesitant towards counseling until I met her and that perspective completely shifted in me. She’s really wonderful in a lot of ways that I couldn’t fit into a review. I’d DEFINITELY recommend not just Bree but anyone at Emery Counseling!
