To assist our clients on their journey, each of our counselors include insights ranging from credible scientific research to relatable stories and experiences with mental health throughout our blog posts.
We Have Three Brains, Not One! | Emery Counseling
Emery Counseling offers many different types of therapy to fit your counseling needs.
Being Present In Changing Seasons | Emery Counseling
Life changes are a big deal, and if not dealt with correctly can lead to years of hurt.
Be Strong
“Be brave strong and courageous; seek adventure and truth, for the Lord your God will be...
Conflict + Resolution
Emery Counseling helps you with conflict resolution
Do Something You Love
Stress can cause so many health issues, you don’t need to live with chronic stress, at Emery Counseling we can help you.
The Pain of the Holidays and the Greatest Gifts You Can Give
The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time, but Bree Emery shares she sees more women in pain than anything else during this time. How can this be?
3 Reasons Why People Don’t Forgive | Emery Counseling | Joshua Emery
To be able to forgive those around you take a lot of effort. Joshua Emery shares tips on how to forgive and bring yourself out of this distructive cycle.
5 small things that make a big difference with self-esteem | Emery Counseling
Emery Counseling provides practical tips to help you grow in the areas you are struggling in. We are your premier Fort Collins counselor.
Affirmation – The Sustainable Fuel | Emery Counseling | Josh Emery Blog
Joshua Emery has served as Northern Colorado’s most trusted family counselor for years. How do you create a healthy relationship & build strong self-worth?
Take the First Step
First time clients are welcomed in for a free 30 minute consultation with any of our counselors. This initial session will act as a meet and greet to ensure that you and the counselor are the right fit.