Jeremy Mason
Therapist Intern
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world, Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” – Rumi
Counseling Approach
Our relationships with the world around us – and within – paints the picture of our everyday experience. I believe that by working with honesty, vulnerability, and acceptance we can begin to shift the way we relate to different aspects of our lives and create a more equanimous and intentional approach to the sometimes seemingly overwhelming state of being human.
We grow and learn in a world full of models (which allow us to function independently and as a larger society) but I have found that subscribing to these models without awareness can create the illusion of isolation and separateness – causing painful and conflicting internal/external turmoil. In a busy world, more now than ever, it is important to slow down and re-evaluate the way we perceive these dynamics and how we allow them to influence us moment to moment.
I’ve found, through my own journey, an essential foundational approach to shaping these desired changes lies within a dedicated practice to cultivating a relationship with ourselves. Through this process – investigating varying aspects of experience – we can begin to explore the facets of our existence which limit connection to our innately wise, authentic nature. Building awareness of awareness and paying attention to attention, the world as we perceive it begins to transform.
Prioritizing connection and authenticity – I pride myself on creating a safe space for adults and adolescents experiencing depression, anxiety, relationship issues, existential angst, addiction, boredom, etc., to explore these conditions without judgment or agenda. Utilizing mindfulness and other contemplative approaches, as well as various therapeutic tools, we will work together in an open fashion which allows you to curiously work with ideas and thoughts as they arise.
Therapy Education
BS Colorado State University (Biological Science)
MA Naropa University (Mindfulness-Based Transpersonal Counseling)