Feb 15, 2023 | Couples & Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling
The age-old debate, when should we go to couple’s counseling? I would ask yourself(s) some questions. And a disclaimer that this wisdom below is an ideal and harder to reach depending on your situation. Is there a decent amount of work both partners have done...
Feb 6, 2023 | Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
A myth about meditation needs to be busted. It does not always or ever need to be a formal sitting practice where you are on a cushion on your floor with palo santo fragrant in the air (although lovely), does not appeal to everyone. And furthermore, a “formal”...
Feb 3, 2023 | Child & Teen Counseling, Couples & Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling
How often have you felt you needed more support as a mother? We live in a society in which mothers are revered and put on a pedestal. Mothers are to be held in the highest regard and yet they should be able to do everything ourselves and on top of it look as if we...
Jan 30, 2023 | Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
Opioid addiction is a crisis in the United States. Death due to opioid addiction overdose remains the number one cause of injury-related death in the U.S. Most overdose deaths involve opioids, according to the CDC. Opioid addiction impacts many directly, it impacts...
Jan 27, 2023 | Couples & Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling
Why do depressed people lose interest in partners? To answer the question of why a depressed person could lose interest in their partner, it’s important first to define depression. And I don’t want just to define depression, but I want to invoke an empathetic schema....